
  • Arpita Sheshraj Wavare Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technology, Shri Sai, College Chandrapur, India
  • Prof Pushpa Tandekar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technology, Shri Sai, College Chandrapur, India
  • Prof Ashish Deharkar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technology, Shri Sai, College Chandrapur, India




Random Forest, Chronic Disease


The “Disease Prediction” method, which is concentrated on predictive modeling, it predicts the user's disease based on the symptoms that the user provides as input. The method examines the user's symptoms as input and returns the disease's likelihood as an output. Disease prediction is accomplished using the random forest classifier.


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How to Cite

DISEASE PREDICTION USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES. (2024). International Journal of Futuristic Innovation in Arts, Humanities and Management (IJFIAHM), 3(1), 202-210. https://doi.org/10.59367/pg1xzb49

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