To investigate the knowledge of medicinal plants and their usage in the research region, an ethnobotanical plant survey was carried out. The ethno-medicinal survey comprises 36 plant species from 32 genera and 24 families that are used by the inhabitants of Bagicha block, Jashpur district, Chhattisgarh, India. It was established that traditional knowledge of individuals with trustworthy ethno medical skill in the preparation of the medicine using readily available herbs and its dose was used. During the field excursions in the research region, the pertinent data were gathered using questionnaires and casual one-on-one interviews. From November 2022 to February 2023, these data were recorded. The medicinal herbs that were gathered were used to treat wounds, jaundice, renal problems, headaches, and diabetes etc. The Bagicha people’s medicinal plants are organised in a sequential manner according to the plant’s name, family name, neighbouring name, part used method of treatment, and related illnesses that were recorded. To combat the prevalent sickness, it is necessary to preserve both the flora and the ethno-medicinal practises. This has prompted us to return to the practise of natural healing in order to improve people’s health in the future.
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