
  • Rekha Tripathi (Research Scolar) Bharti Vishawvidyalaya,Durg (C.G.)


The present study focused on the academic achievement of student in relation to parents education and family size of student of drug city state of chhattisgarh.The data were collected from sixty students of drug city by using the self made tools of family size and parent’s education effect inventory to collect the information about home aspect and educational aspect of the students. The data were analyzed by using the statistical procedure t-test was applied to interpret the data .The result show that. There is significant difference in under graduate parents and below graduate parents of large family on the test of home aspect. Table-1, there is significant difference in under graduate parents and below graduate parents of small family on the test of home aspect. Table-2, there is significant difference in under graduate parents and below graduate parents of large family on the test of Educational aspect. Table-3, there is significant difference in under graduate parents and below graduate parents of small family on the test of Educational aspect. Table-4, parents’ education and family size is one of the most important factors influencing child’s achievement motivation. Highly educated parents have greater success in providing their children with the cognitive and language skills that contribute to early success in school.


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How to Cite

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDENT WITH RELATION TO PARENTS ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT QUALIFICATION & FAMILY SIZE. (2023). International Journal of Futuristic Innovation in Arts, Humanities and Management (IJFIAHM), 2(2), 319-326.