
  • Dr. Namrata Gain Assoc. Prof. & HOD Department of Management Bharti Vishwavidyalaya, Durg
  • Mrs. Kalpana sahu Research Scholar Department of Management Bharti Vishwavidyalaya, Durg


This review paper aims to identify the factors that help to create a positive work environment and provide maximum job satisfaction to the employees within the organization. Here, the researcher talks about the job satisfaction of nurses in India. QWL is very popular nowadays for employees as well as for an employer because a stress-free environment helps to increase individual productivity as well as also increase the organizations’ productivity too. The researcher has created a model for the study and included three basic concepts of the study i.e., Quality of Work-life, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational commitments. Four dimensionshavebeen decided by the researcher in each attribute they are concepts of attributes, dimensions, impacts, and strategies of all three attributes. Based on previous kinds of literature discussion has been given and concluded the research topic. The current study will help the future reader as well as upcoming users of the paper to clearly understand the role of quality of work-life, job satisfaction, and organizational commitments.


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How to Cite

A REVIEW STUDY ON THE ROLE OF QWL ON EMPLOYEES’ JOB SATISFACTION & ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENTS. (2023). International Journal of Futuristic Innovation in Arts, Humanities and Management (IJFIAHM), 2(2), 58-83. https://journal.inence.org/index.php/ijfiahm/article/view/65