Ion transport studies of an new sodium ion conducting polyethylene oxide (PEO) basedsolid polymer electrolytes (SPEs): (1-x) PEO:xNaF where 0<x<50 wt.%, are reported. The present SPEs films have been synthesized by recently prepared by hot-press method. The highest ionic conductivity (σ ~ 4.3×10-7 have been observed at 30 wt.% of NaF i.e. the composition: (70PEO:30NaF). This highest conducting composition is known as optimum conducting composition (OCC). Materials characterization have been studied with the help scanning electron microscope (SEM) and thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA).Measurements of the ionic transference number (tion) have been made at room temperature to help understand the structure of the system's ionic nature. Activation energy (Ea) have been computed from the temperature dependent ionic conductivity studies.
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