Materials characterization and dielectric studies of a newly synthesized Na+ ion conducting nanocomposite polymer electrolytes (NCPEs): (1-x)[75PEO:25NaPO3]+xTiO2, where 0<x<18 wt.%. are reported. The composition: [95(75PEO:25NaPO3)+5 TiO2] with ionic conductivity (σ) ~ 2.3×10-5 have been identified as optimum conducting composition (OCC). Material characterizations have been done with the help of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron micrograph (SEM), differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) and thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis. Dielectric constant(ε*) and dielectric loss (εl) measurements have been carried out using different experimental techniques. The conductivity enhancements in the present NCPEs have been discussed on the basis of existing theories of dielectrics.
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