Exploring the potency of Green Synthesized Zinc oxide Nanoparticle for Antibacterial activity.
Phyllanthus niruri Linnaus (Euphorbiaceae) also known as Chanka piedra is widely grown and used throughout the tropical and Subtropical countries of the world. Because of their importance in numerous Scientific Fields, Scientists have increasingly focused their attention on the nanostructures that are Produced by the green Synthesis process. An overview of the production of Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanosheets (NS₂) utilising extract from the Phyllanthus emblica plant (PEP). The antibacterial efficacy of ZnO-Nps that were biosynthesized was assessed when applied to both Gram-positive (S.aureus) and gram- negative (E.coli) bacterial Strains, ZnO-Nps demonstrate Potent antibacterial action. The result of FTIR analysis of green synthesized ZnO Nps revealed the presence Functional group such as carboxylic, hydroxyl, Aromatic diketons, alkyl amine. The result of antibacterial activity against two bacterial Species showed that green Synthesized Zno nanoparticle was found to be efficient in inhibiting the growth of the bacterial isolates when it came to Staphylococcus aureus.Keywords:-Anti-bacterial activity, Zinc oxide nanoparticle, Pathogen.
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