CFD Analysis of counter flow pipe heat exchanger for various absorbent combination of vapors absorption refrigeration system
CFD, Refrigerant, COPAbstract
Technology has changed the way we live. With recent advancement in the field of science, better living condition along with efficient problem-solving methods are available. In the areas like energy resources, there is a varied of advancement based on diverse factors like availability, location, geographical condition, etc. However, the greenhouse effect's growing is concerned and the conventional energy sector's depletion are forcing engineers and scientists to shift toward nonconventional sources of energy. Solar power is the best option among renewable energy sources for refrigeration and air conditioning since it coincides with the greatest cooling load and the period of maximum solar radiation input.
By changing fluid velocity, an outlet temperature in the heat exchanger within the generator is examined using a computational fluid dynamics model. A binary solution composed from absorbent and refrigerant acts as the working fluid in an absorption system. This project illustrates the different conditions which arise by used of three different refrigerant absorbent pairs like aqua ammonia, lithium bromide-water and sodium Thiocyanate-ammonia Design modeler is employed to finish the model. The temperature variation at the heat exchanger's outlet is investigated with ANSYS, and the difference between the starting point and final temperatures is investigated. For different fluid velocities for different refrigerant absorbent pairs are noted. The efficiency of heat exchanger is calculated. Thus, the best effective pair is selected based on the result for the efficiency of heat exchangers have an important effect on the solar absorption refrigeration system's COP. This project helps in determining the correct pair of refrigerant absorbent to be used in the city during specific month period for preservation of food and vaccines.
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