Shivnath River, migratory fish, habitat conservation, human impact, sustainable fisheriesAbstract
The Shivnath River, a major tributary of the Mahanadi in Chhattisgarh, supports several migratory fish species vital to the river’s ecosystem and local fisheries. This study aimed to assess the habitat preferences, migration patterns, and environmental factors affecting key migratory species, to inform conservation strategies. Field surveys were conducted during pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon seasons across various river sections. Five main migratory species were identified: Labeo rohita (35%), Catla catla (25%), Cirrhinus mrigala (20%), Puntius sophore (12%), and Mystus tengara (8%). These species exhibited specific habitat preferences for spawning and feeding, with upstream stretches featuring clean, fast-flowing water and gravelly substrates as critical breeding grounds. Floodplains during the monsoon season were crucial feeding areas for juvenile fish. The study found that water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen, temperature, and flow rate significantly influenced the availability of suitable habitats. However, human activities, including sand mining, pollution, dam construction, and overfishing, have degraded these critical habitats, leading to declining fish populations. The results highlight the urgent need for habitat restoration and conservation measures. Recommendations include improving water quality, regulating sand mining, creating fish sanctuaries in key breeding areas, and engaging local communities in sustainable fishing practices. By protecting essential habitats and mitigating anthropogenic impacts, the ecological balance of the Shivnath River can be maintained, ensuring the sustainability of its migratory fish populations and the livelihoods of those dependent on them.
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