
  • Mr. Pratik Tonge Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Shri Sai College of Engineering & Technology, Chandrapur, India.
  • Mr. Neehal Jiwane Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technology, Shri Sai, College Chandrapur, India
  • Mr. Vijay Rakhade Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technology, Shri Sai, College Chandrapur, India



Edge Computing (EC), Internet of effects (IoT), Cloud Computing, Security


It's possible to explain Edge computing (EC) as a distributed system of IT that decentralized the power of processing in which the mobile Internet of effects (IoT) computing would be allowed. In EC, data reused by original tools, computers, or waiters, rather of being process and transmitted from the data center. still, with the wider capabilities of EC by adding the network performance and reducing the quiescence, security challenges, and the pitfalls will increase with data being stored and used on this bias on the edge or end of the network. This paper first provides a description of EC and explain the reasons that led to the rapid- fire spread of this type of calculating with an explanation of the most important differences between EC and CC, in terms of the coffers available for each type, processing, storehouse, as well as the sequestration and security factor. latterly, explaining the uses and benefits of this type of computing. still, the challenges are also taken into consideration, foremost among which is security. Through reviewing a number of former inquiries, security challenges have been linked in four main sectors, including data sequestration and security, access control, attack mitigation, and discovery for anomalies Eventually, choosing a set of results that were drawn from former studies and contributed in reducing and limiting these challenges. Hopping this paper sheds light on Edge Computing security and paves the way for further unborn exploration.


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How to Cite

SECURITY CHALLENGES IN EDGE COMPUTING. (2024). International Journal of Futuristic Innovation in Arts, Humanities and Management (IJFIAHM), 3(1), 431-442.

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