Analysis of Bridge Pier as per Different Seismic Zone of India
pier, ansys, seismic zone, finite element analysisAbstract
The main objective of this paper is to analyze a bridge pier through finite element method as per different seismic zones of India. In this paper a detail analysis is done of bridge pier by using ANSYS workbench software. This study deals with static structural analysis. A bridge pier model is taken which is built in engapalli nalla on elmidi sankanpalli to maddedroad at ch km 17/10 block- usoor, district- bijapur, C.G. The 3D model is drawn is AUTO Cad Software and six variations are done in model by increasing and decreasing the dimensions of the pier and foundation. Then the seven models are analyzed in ANSYS as per different seismic zones i.e. zone 2, zone 3 and zone 4. The analysis and study is done to evaluate total deformation, directional acceleration, directional velocity, normal stress, shear stress, equivalent stress, normal elastic strain and shear elastic strain for seven different model in three different seismic zones of India.
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