
  • Miss. Kasturi Harbade Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technology, Shri Sai, College Chandrapur, India
  • Mr. Lowlesh Yadav Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technology, Shri Sai, College Chandrapur, India
  • Mr. Ashish Deharkar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technology, Shri Sai, College Chandrapur, India



Deep Learning, Human Activity Recognition, Detection


Human activity recognition is an area of interest in colorful disciplines similar as senior and health care, smart- structures and eavesdrop shaft, with multiple approaches to working the problem directly and efficiently. For numerous times hand- drafted features were manually uprooted from raw data signals, and conditioning were classified using support vector machines and hidden Markov models. To further ameliorate on this system and to prize applicable features in an automated fashion, deep literacy styles have been used. The most common of these styles are Long Short- Term Memory models (LSTM), which can take the successional nature of the data into consideration and outperform being ways, but which have two main risks; longer training times and loss of distant pass memory. A relevantly new type of network, the Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN), overcomes these risks, as it takes significantly lower time to train than LSTMs and also has a lesser capability to capture further of the long-term dependences than LSTMs. When paired with a Convolutional Auto- Encoder (CAE) to remove noise and reduce the complexity of the problem, our results show that both models perform inversely well, the results also show, for assiduity operations, the TCN can directly be used for fall discovery or analogous events within a smart structure terrain.


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How to Cite

DEEP LEARNING HUMAN ACTIVITY RECOGNITION. (2024). International Journal of Futuristic Innovation in Arts, Humanities and Management (IJFIAHM), 3(1), 176-187.

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