
  • Dr. Sneh Kumar Meshram



violence against women, symbolic violence, gender, feminist research


This article examines diverse sociological perspectives on gender violence research methodologies. We suggest taking into account gender intersectional inequalities, such as those influenced by social and cultural groups, class, age, sexual orientation, and legal status. This review takes symbolic violence as a starting point for its analysis. In Indian society, women hold a prominent and revered place. The Vedas revered women as 'Devi' or Goddesses, glorifying them as the mother, the creator, and the giver of life. However, their glorification was more mythical than real because, at the same time, women in India were completely oppressed and subjugated in a patriarchal society. Because society insisted on holding onto orthodox beliefs, Indian women continued to experience domestic and public violence as well as physical, emotional, and mental abuse throughout the world.


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How to Cite

STUDY OF CRIME CONCERNING WOMEN IN CHHATTISGARH. (2024). International Journal of Futuristic Innovation in Arts, Humanities and Management (IJFIAHM), 3(1), 115-126.

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